It takes participants from beginning rope bondage through intensive floor work and on to the basics of suspension in one weekend!
Featuring two very full days of Lew's high-energy teaching and practical experience, including a play party to put your new skills into practice!
Day 1 typically includes a Friday meet and greet, which may include a slide show of some of Lew's favorite work over the years or a suspension demo.
Days 2 and 3 are hard-core teaching days that take attendees from basic bondage techniques to basic rope bondage suspension the "Lewbari" way! You get YEARS worth of information in one intensive weekend.
Generally the price for a Lewbari weekend is $350 per couple for earlybird sign up. $400 for couples within 2 weeks of the event. Although prices do vary.
Class size is limited to 20 couples!
These classes HAVE to be limited in size, due to the nature of his training and hands on learning processes.
This training is limited to COUPLES ONLY!!! Now, couples can be made up of any two kinds of the teaching experience works best with two people.
Click Here to talk to Lew about attending an upcoming weekend or scheduling one near you!